For a PDF of the following list (laid out 3x on a legal size page), please write: GEMnyc@gmail.com.
Charter schools are paid for with taxpayer dollars, but privately operated.#10. Charters don’t serve children with special needs, English Language Learners, taking the potentially highest achieving students.Still want charters? Have a deal for you –
#9. Charters don’t allow parent or staff participation in decision making.
#8. Charters that are for profit serve shareholders, not students.
#7. Charters are huge moneymakers for investors exempt from union rules and some government and labor laws that provide oversight.
#6. Charters counsel out students who are low performing or discipline problems.
#5. Charters are invading our public schools and pushing them out of their buildings.
#4. Charters have been reported for corruption and incredibly high administrative salaries.
#3. Charters are taking needed resources from traditional public schools.
#2. Charters are creating a two tier system – separate but not equal schools as corporate dollars are pumped in to initially capture the student market.
And the #1 reason:
National studies show that traditional public schools are outperforming charters!
I don’t want to swim in the public pool. Build a swimming pool in my backyard with taxpayer money; I’ll invite only those with whom I wish to swim.