At the High School for Community Research & Learning over 100 protesters, mostly students, loudly voiced their anger at the Department of Education's (DOE) notice to close them down. Students filed out in front of their Stevenson Building in the bitter cold with hand-made signs, some which read, "SCRL did not fail, the DOE failed us", "Phase-out is not a solution" and "Money for War, Money for Stadiums But No Money for Education". As this energetic crowd picketed up and down the sidewalk, they chanted loudly "Save Our School" and vowed to raise outrage at their DOE "hearing" on Jan. 5 at SCRL High. Click on title for video.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
SCRL High School Protests School Closure
At the High School for Community Research & Learning over 100 protesters, mostly students, loudly voiced their anger at the Department of Education's (DOE) notice to close them down. Students filed out in front of their Stevenson Building in the bitter cold with hand-made signs, some which read, "SCRL did not fail, the DOE failed us", "Phase-out is not a solution" and "Money for War, Money for Stadiums But No Money for Education". As this energetic crowd picketed up and down the sidewalk, they chanted loudly "Save Our School" and vowed to raise outrage at their DOE "hearing" on Jan. 5 at SCRL High. Click on title for video.
Jamaica High School - James Eterno Blasts Closure Attempt
(Click on title to view video.)
Jan. 21 - Citywide Protest at Bloomberg's
Stop Bloomberg’s school closures
& Invasion of public schools with charter schools!
Thurs. Jan. 21 by BLOOMBERGS’s Home
17 E. 79th St. ( 5th and Madison Ave)
4 – 6:30 pm.
Come join 22 school communities of the neighborhoods affected by proposed closure and charter takeovers as students, parents, teachers, and citizens let the mayor know that one-man rule over 1.1 million students in NYC is wrong and detrimental:
- Why at his residence? One citizen of NYC makes absolute decisions concerning our students in the public school system. Instead of funding and supporting our neighborhoods, he is abandoning our community schools – so we will go to his neighborhood to voice our dissent.
- Why do we defend our schools? The rationale behind school closures has been the 4 year graduation rate. However, the 5 year graduation rate of these schools average 75 % and keeps rising. Schools should be rewarded and supported for not giving up on our children. Fact: only 50% of all COLLEGE graduates get a bachelors degree in 6 years. Fact: 3 out of 4 Americans live meaningful productive lives without a Bachelor’s degree as plumbers, entrepreneurs, cosmetologists, EMT, police officers, firefighters, etc. The mayor’s elitist vision of society is labeling the rest of us as losers.
- Why not Charter Schools? The little known secret behind charter schools and small schools is that they steal the highest achieving students from district schools, and turn away ELL, Special Education, and struggling students. It is not the new paint, the potpourri in the bathroom, nor the inexperienced teachers that burn out after several years: it is the theft of talented students from every grade level. Bloomberg is abandoning the majority of our students to second class status, in a two tiered system of overcrowding and disparate funding. While the budgets of community schools have been cut 10% in the last year and half, charter schools have received millions in capital plan and resource dollars.
- Why not the vision of one man? Bloomberg is bringing a vision of business accountability that has destroyed even the business world. The mindless slavery to data – has cut arts and music programs, dumbed-down the curriculum with gamed testing, brought corruption into our schools via credit recovery and credit tampering, have pushed good teachers from struggling schools, and installed lawyers, bureaucrats, and billionaires to make educational decisions without any true community input.
Sponsors: THE EMERGENCY COALITION TO STOP SCHOOL CLOSINGS; INCLUDING PARENTS, TEACHERS, AND STUDENTS AT PS-15K, Jamaica HS, William H. Maxwell CTE, Concerned Advocates for Public Education - CAPE, Grassroots Education Movement - GEM, Independent Community of Educators - ICE/UFT, ... (list in formation)
For latest updates on the Jan. 21 protest go to: 718-601-4901
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Maxwell Protest Against Closing (Pt. 3) - The Forum
Video Part #3 - Forum with DOE District Superintendent.
Mayor Bloomberg announced the closing of over 20 public schools. Maxwell High denounces this unfair callous attempt to privatize with charter schools. Over 250 people protested outside and then inside against the complicity of the District Superintendent. Grassroots forces are organizing locally and citywide to stop this ruthless assault on education and school-workers.
Click on title to view video.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Rallying to defend our schools
December 15, 2009
THE NEW York City Department of Education announced this month that an unprecedented number of city schools are on the chopping block due to low performance, including several large high schools with a long history in the city.
But teachers, parents and students are speaking out and holding protests to show that they are tired of being the victims and scapegoats for the crisis in education--and they want our schools fixed, not privatized. Now, a protest at William H. Maxwell Career and Technical Education High School in Brooklyn earlier this month is becoming a model for other demonstrations in defense of the schools.
Among the big schools that the city is threatening to close are Christopher Columbus in the Bronx, Norman Thomas in Manhattan, Beach Channel in Queens, and Paul Robeson and Maxwell in Brooklyn. All serve populations of mostly working-class Black and Latino students. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has closed nearly 90 schools since taking control of the city school system in 2002.
A few weeks earlier, the mayor stepped up the pressure on teachers. On the day before Thanksgiving, Bloomberg stood beside Barack Obama's Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and announced that the city would immediately begin using student test scores as a factor in determining tenure for teachers in spite of a law prohibiting this practice.
That law is set to expire in June 2010--in addition, Bloomberg wants the New York legislature to make a number of other changes to the law to make New York eligible to compete for funds from the so-called Race to the Top program passed as part of the economic stimulus legislation earlier this year.
One change Bloomberg called for was requiring New York's school districts to use "data" to evaluate teachers and principals. Additionally, Bloomberg said the state should jettison protections that shield senior teachers from layoffs and make it easier to fire "absent teacher reserves" (ATRs)--teachers who lose their positions due to no fault of their own, for example, when a school closes, or because of declining enrollment within a school.
Currently, ATRs remain on the payroll until they find a placement. But because schools have to find room in their decreasing budgets to cover the cost of teachers' salaries, they are reluctant and often unable to hire senior ATRs, and instead opt for hiring newer, lower-paid teachers.
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ON DECEMBER 9, teachers, students, parents and alumni of Maxwell, one of the few high schools still offering career and technical education in the city, made it clear that they aren't ready to see their high school close. They protested in front of Maxwell to demand that the Department of Education fix, not close their school.
Teachers angrily pointed out the city's hypocrisy--the high school has measured up to even the Department of Education's twisted view of "success."
Maxwell was able to pull itself off the state's Schools Under Registration Review list of "failing schools." After receiving an F rating on the mayor's progress report in 2006, the school raised its score to a D. The following year, it met the standards for a C, but the city changed its grading system.
"If the scale had not been abruptly changed, the school would have been just shy of getting a B on last year's scale," said Seung Ok, a teacher at the school, delegate in the citywide teachers' union assembly and member of the Grassroots Education Movement (GEM), a coalition of teachers, parents, students and community members formed to protest attacks on public schools.
The abrupt change of standards was no surprise to most of the protesters at Maxwell. Many in the crowd criticized the Department of Education for wanting schools to fail--so they can be closed to make way for charter schools.
After the protest, some 200 people filed into the Maxwell cafeteria to listen to the district superintendent explain why the school was slated for closure. When the superintendent started to tell the angry crowd that Maxwell was "failing," he was met by an angry chorus of "boos" and chanting from the assembled students and teachers.
The overflow crowd was allowed to ask questions and make statements. Some talked about the funding inequality between schools in poorer, communities of color--like Maxwell--and "elite" city schools. One speaker pointed out that when closed schools reopen, either as smaller public schools or charter schools, they often receive better funding and superior equipment, like Smart Boards and LCD projectors--why didn't students at Maxwell deserve the same, the speaker asked.
United Federation of Teachers (UFT) President Michael Mulgrew came to the meeting. He received a standing ovation from the crowd, spoke forcefully against the closure and promised the union would fight back.
But some in the crowd were skeptical, and they have every right to be. The UFT leadership has relied on lobbying politicians, phone banks and "playing nice" with Democrats as their main strategy for years. But many rank-and-file members who recognize this strategy has failed are beginning to demand that the UFT begin to mobilize its membership to fight. "The real power is with the teachers," said Brenna Farrell, a teacher at Maxwell. "If we can mobilize all the teachers, we can get results."
The rally at Maxwell is only the beginning. Teachers at other closing schools are beginning to organize rallies, including Norman Thomas High School, Jamaica High School, Paul Robeson High School, Alfred E. Smith High School and Beach Channel High School. A group of 20 teachers, many from closing schools, attended a recent GEM meeting to discuss a plan for a citywide rally against the closings.
Plus GEM, along with the Independent Community of Educators and Teachers for a Just Contract, two opposition caucuses in the UFT, will attempt to present a resolution to the delegate's assembly on December 16 calling for a citywide rally.
The UFT's past strategies have failed to win a fair contract, stop mayoral control or stop school closures. It's time to use the real power of the union--the rank-and-file teachers, 100,000 strong, who are fed up with Bloomberg's attacks.
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UFT Mulgrew: Stop City Hall School Closures. Bronx PEP

United grassroots action by the UFT members, school-workers, parents, students and community on a citywide political level is the only way to defend and promote quality public education and the rights of workers. Join GEM in building the citywide fightback and organized grassroots political muscle.
Stop the drive to privatize with charter schools. Attend the GEM Planning Meeting on Jan. 5 to build citywide protests against the school closings.
Click on title to view video.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Maxwell High School Reps on WBAI - FM
Click on the title to hear the archived WBAI recording.
Maxwell's poignant presentations are in the latter half of the recording.
Basir Mchawi hosts this education talk show every Thursday at 7 PM.
Tune in weekly as he brings in speakers from the front lines and grassroots to address current issues.
Citywide Protest to Stop School Closings Planning Meeting - Tues. Jan.5 - 4:30 PM

Citywide Protest to Stop School Closings
Planning Meeting - Tues. Jan.5 - 4:30 PM
CUNY Graduate Center
34th St & 5th Ave (Bring ID) - Room 5414 ;
Grassroots Education Movement - GEM
(updated pdf flier attached listing Jan 5 meeting)
Dec. ’09 - Mayor Bloomberg’s Department of Education (DOE) announced the planned closings of 17 public schools. Soon the DOE plans to place many more so-called "failing" public schools on the chopping block. Since 2002, when the mayor was given control of public schools, more than 90 had already been shut down while ignoring the democratic voice and opposition of parents, community, students and school staff.
Despite the fact that targeted schools, such as Maxwell High, have made marked improvements while overcoming overcrowding and other imposed negative conditions, the City does not accept its responsibility for its failure to improve our public schools. It is the City that has failed to provide necessary funding, resources, facilities (e.g. libraries), adequate services for high-needs students (e.g. English Language Learners and Special Education) and smaller class sizes. Instead, the City exacerbates the problems of our neighborhood public schools with its policies of school closings. The resulting overflow of students, who do not find seats in newly established select smaller schools, must be absorbed by other already overcrowded public schools. This just serves to "bring down" those other public schools farther – a potential set-up for "failure".
Thus, like the domino-theory, the City deliberately causes more school "failures" and at a later date clamors for their closings. School by school, the City fulfills its long-term goal of turning-over all our public schools to the private sector with charters. This "charter-privatization" of our public schools follows a racist pattern -- charters are invading, dismantling and taking over public schools that service predominantly Black and Latino students.
The discredited high stakes testing and school rating formulas continue to be unfairly used by the DOE to rate and punish school and teachers. But the City carries on with its contradictory and narrow-test-based performance reviews. To close schools and to find space for the private-charter takeovers of public schools, the City will change the standards or "raise the bar", as it wishes, just like it did with Maxwell High. In other instances (such as with PS 15K in Red Hook and PS 241 and PS 123 of Harlem), the DOE will use skewed available-space formulas to declare that schools have extra space, such a specialty and library rooms, for the imposition of a charter school there. Year after year, these charters slowly invade and demand to expand with the DOE willingly complying by granting charter expansion rights. Charters eventually will consume the entire public school building.
The City, with it flawed school-closings policies, deflects its blame in this "school failure" and viciously, with media hype, blames teachers AND THE TEACHER UNION for the school’s problems. The City continues to trash our valued neighborhood public schools along with important long established school-community support networks and traditions. With school closings, many educators (especially the more skilled, experienced and higher paid) are threatened with losing their permanent placements and are forced into the costly (over $80 million yearly) pool of unassigned teachers (i.e. ATRs). Thus, students lose the talents of seasoned teachers only to be replaced by less experienced and cheaper teachers. Students often lose the vital programs, such as orchestra, drama and team sports, which only larger schools can provide.
With school closings and the imposition of private charters, our community, parents and teachers lose their right to democratic input into their schools. Charter schools are managed by private boards that have ultimate control. Most unfairly have no school worker unions and thus save costs by providing less in pensions, wages, compensation, benefits and worker rights. These economic factors along with inordinate demands and workloads result in the high turnover rate of charter school staff.
Unfortunately, in this battle to stop school closings and privatization, the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) union has been a complicit partner to the privatization agenda. The UFT’s strategies of wasting millions on lobbying, making deals & concessions to the city, endorsing political candidates and issuing empty rhetoric have failed. The strength of a union depends on the ongoing organization and actions of its membership. It is not enough for the UFT to just protest at isolated targeted schools and then pack up its bags.
Local UFT rallies at schools, at Community Education Councils and at the Chancellor’s Public Education Panels, are important but inadequate. However massive citywide protests are critical against Mayor Bloomberg & government (City & State) to successfully stop school closings. GEM is MOBILIZING the UFT & our community FOR CITYWIDE PROTESTS to STOP:
School Closings
Privatization with charter schools
Overcrowding and large class sizes
The flawed high stakes testing madness
Union-busting of charter schools
The Absent Teacher Reserve (ATR) debacle by restoring teacher seniority rights in our UFT contract
Dictatorial mayoral control
Join GEM in our struggle for democratic, equal and quality education and for a strong democratic union at school-UFT-chapter and citywide levels. Help stop school closings and privatization with charters -
Attend GEM’s Jan. 5 planning meeting.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
CITY WIDE RALLY - Hands off our schools!!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Maxwell High School - Forum Denounces Closure!
Dec. 9,
Part 2 - The Forum.
Community advocates and UFT grassroots groups are organizing locally and citywide to stop this ruthless assault on students, public schools and ALL school-workers.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Maxwell High School Rallies Against Closing - video #1
Dec. 9, 2009 Brooklyn, NY. Mayor Bloomberg announced the closing of over 20 public schools. Maxwell High denounces this unfair callous attempt to privatize with charter schools. Over 250 people protested outside and then inside against the Dept of Education and the complicity of the District Superintendent. Teachers, parents, students and community are organizing locally and citywide to stop this wholesale ruthless assault on public education and school-workers.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
UFT Mulgrew Applauds Barron: "Shut Down Tweed"
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Congrats to Seung, UFT chapter, & parents: phenomenal work at Maxwell !
- Stop the charter privatization schemes.
- Fightback Citywide.
Angel Gonzalez