Thursday, December 10, 2009

Congrats to Seung, UFT chapter, & parents: phenomenal work at Maxwell !

GEM, ICE, TJC represented!
In an outside rally and indoor forum, Over 250 people shouted down the bankruptcy of the Mayor Bloomberg and his lackey Dist. Superintendent.
Through the night, GEM, Councilman Barron, and crowd hollered out and clearly delivered our messages:
  1. Stop the charter privatization schemes.
  2. Fightback Citywide.
UFT Mulgrew was there and heard these chants loud and clear. Now lets put the heat on our union bosses.
Let's make sure these messages get out to all our schools and at all UFT levels.
Stop the Corporate-Government-Education-Privatization-COMPLEX!
Angel Gonzalez
"There is no victory without struggle; nor is struggle possible without sacrifice!"
¡No hay triunfo sin lucha; ni hay lucha sin sacrificio!

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