Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Protest Bloomberg's School Closings & Charter School Invasions


Jan. 21 - Thurs

4 – 6:30 PM

Gather on the Mayor’s Block!

79th St. & 5th Av.

Join us in support of the students, parents, teachers and communities of over 22 schools affected by the proposed closings and charter takeovers.

o We are picketing Bloomberg’s residence because he is in charge of these wrongful closings. We need to bring our opposition to his doorstep.

o The City and Mayor Bloomberg have failed our public schools. School progress has been made despite decades of deteriorating conditions, inadequate funding, budget cuts, large class sizes, overcrowding and the great number of high needs students that our schools serve. Democratic public education is a right, not a privilege.

o School closings and their replacement with boutique or charter schools (that exclude our neediest children) are not the answer. Our public schools need more supports and greater resources.

Step up the pressure!

* Contact the Mayor, Chancellor Klein, State legislators, City Council members and members of the Panel for Educational Policy (PEP). For contact info: nycpublicschoolparents.blogspot.com.

* Create a “Stop the School Closings Committee” at your school and network with our coalition.

* Jan. 26, Tues. Brooklyn Tech HS - 29 Ft. Greene Pl. Attend this PEP meeting where the vote to close our schools will be made. Gather at 4:30 PM for a protest. 5PM - SIGN UP TO SPEAK!

Sponsors: The Emergency Coalition to Stop School Closings including parents, teachers and students at PS15K, Jamaica HS, William H. Maxwell CTE HS, Concerned Advocates for Public Education – CAPE, Grassroots Education Movement – GEM

Endorsers: Class Size Matters, Independent Community of Educators – ICE/UFT, Teachers for Just Contract – TJC/UFT, New York Collective of Radical Educators, Coalition for Public Education, Center for Immigrant Families, Concerned Parents of East New York, Teachers 4 Justice Now, Manhattan Local of the Green Party (NYC), keepSCRLalive, PS123-PTA Harlem, …

Contact INFO:

http://capeducation.blogspot.com/ grassrootseducationmovement.blogspot.com gemnyc@gmail.com 718-601-4901