GEM's Diane Smith sent in this report from the demo in Washington DC this past Saturday at the education department. They had a great time joining other teachers from around the nation calling for Arne Duncan's canning. Or caning. Pics to follow.
I am writing a short note to let you know we had a successful trip to DC yesterday. Me Lisa and Chris, (student leader from Beach Channel) traveled down together. We met up with Seung and his wife, Radio Rahim (R), Annamarie and Jennifer (from CPE).
There were dedicated teachers, students and parents from Detroit, Florida, California Pennsylvania and more. After the rally and march we were treated to a pizza lunch by BAMN and we participated in a group discussion over in the AFT. It was telling to listen to the personal stories and hear the similarities that are going on all over the country. The Detroit teachers bus broke down,they never made

A teacher from Florida talked passionately as she requested help to organize the teachers and people there. Chris was so moved by her pleas and learning of the dire problems taking place over there he had begun formulating plans in the car on how to get down to Florida this week to help.
Chris's student leadership, initiative and dedication is inspirational and a godsend. You will witness this for yourself as you watch the video of the speech he gave on the steps of the US Department of Education!
Our ride home was blessed with the company of R and Jennifer. This really made the trip extra special. With all the sharing and getting to know one another I don't think a

Unfortunately, I am having difficulties downloading the pics and video. I will fill you in on more details soon --for now, I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who participated and a special thank you to Chris for a spectacular job representing the NYC student youth.
Looking forward to sharing more with you as soon as I get it all together

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