Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Detroit Teachers Union members take over union meeting in recall fight!

The following is a summary (with video) of the Detroit teachers union membership meeting Thursday, January 14th, 2010.
Background Note: The DFT Executive Board had voted the night before to dismiss the 1300 member petition signatures calling for Johnson's recall, though the recall process in our union constitution gives them NO authority on this matter, and says that only 1000 signatures are needed. The recall is based on Johnson's numerous violations of his obligations of office, stemming from his efforts to impose the Arne Duncan anti-public education "reforms" on Detroit Public Schools and its teachers.
After Johnsons ruled us out of order, we appealed that decision to the body, as is our right under Robert's Rules of Order and our union By-laws. The vast majority of the meeting voted with us and against Johnson.
The Committee to Defend Public Education meets each Saturday at 4:00 pm at Gracious Savior Lutheran Church; 19484 James Couzens, Detroit.
Angel Gonzalez Comments:
We've got to build the fight to get a bail out of all our educational services and the living/work conditions of school & all workers.
Build our NYC UFT grassroots rank & file movement to replace these Mulgrew-Weingarten corporate neo-liberal privatization collaborators. We can't let the UFT bosses continue to negotiate & hack away at our rights, benefits, wages and educational services (e.g. tying test scores to teacher evaluations, trashing tenure, charter support,lowered pensions & benefits, ATR & seniority rights trashing, rubber room atrocities, weak & negated grievance rights, larger class sizes, budget cuts . . . the litany of sell-out is endless).
The UFT bosses will never take up an EFFECTIVE militant FIGHTBACK STRATEGY THAT BUILDS MEMBER-BASED BOTTOM-UP ORGANIZING & MOBILIZING. It is up to us, the membership to do that.
Let's build our democratic-organizational strength to eventually give the Mulgrew-Unity bosses the boot here and take over the UFT! We need to start building our own union leadership from among our membership ranks.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
GEM at Smith HS urges citywide protests against closure
Click here for video.
The UFT officialdom has not been educating our members and communities about this ongoing privatization with charter schools and its union-busting of all school workers. Instead the UFT has supported charter schools and already has two charters of their own inside public school buildings. Also, the UFT supports Green Dot Charters that deny tenure rights! It will be up to the UFT members, united with our school communities, to build the necessary grassroots fightback organization.
Instead of promoting GEM's and the Emergency Coalition to Stop School Closings' important community work, UFT officials have sought to undermine our work by telling teachers and parents not unite with GEM. The UFT officials threaten to take away many perks (e.g. paying for UFTconvention expenses), jobs and other "carrots" to keep members from defecting from their complicity Mayor Bloomberg-Obama-Bush privatization agenda, the "Race to the S-TOP Public Education!"
Protest at Bloomberg's House on Jan. 21 and on Jan. 26th at Chancellor Klein's PEP (Puppets of Education Panel) Meeting where 22 school closings will be voted on.
Commentary by Angel Gonzalez.
Metropolitan Corporate Academy HS closure hearing, Jan. 14, 2010
While the building doesn't present itself as much from the outside, we instantly felt the sense of community and family upon entering the door.Testimonies focused on students and staff's love for their school, despite its many challenges. The school's debate team proudly held their first place trophies in front of John White and presented him with a large stack of student signed petitions. The video not only captures the passion and spirit of the Metropolitan Corporate Academy, but it clearly demonstrates how far off course the New York City Department of Education has gone.

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Beach Channel & Jamaica Students Support Smith Against Closure
A standing room only crowd filled the AE Smith auditorium to oppose Bloomberg's Department of Education's (DOE) plan to close Smith down. Students, parents, teachers, politicians & community activists, including business leaders, defended Smith's track record in providing essential vocational and technical career training to Bronx and students across the city.
Queens students (Rachel from Jamaica High and Chris from Beach Channel High) reached out to students in an effort to build a citywide student organization against the closures.
Chris was on point as he denounced the DOE's incompetency and ignorance about the negative impact of its "closure" decisions on students' education and lives.
Rachel and Chris hope to organize all concerned students across the New York City. They are attending DOE Closing Hearings and use Facebook and other media tools to do their outreach.
Teachers and parents can help by connecting students from their schools with Rachel & Chris.
Click title for video of their solidarity message at Smith High.
(Pictures of the Smith HS protest on Jan. 8 are included.)
Friday, January 15, 2010
Por Bloomberg y La Invasión Por Escuelas “Charter”
Jueves 21 de enero
4 – 6:30 PM
Calle 79 y la 5ta Avenida
Nos reuniremos en la cuadra de
la residencia del Alcalde Bloomberg
Únase a esta protesta para apoyar a los estudiantes, padres, y maestr@s de las 22 escuelas afectadas por la propuesta del cierre de escuelas y su reemplazo por escuelas „charters/privadas.‟
- Llevamos la protesta a la puerta de Bloomberg porque él es el responsable del cierre injusto de nuestras escuelas.
- La administración municipal y el alcalde Bloomberg le han fallado a nuestras escuelas públicas. El progreso de las escuelas de las escuelas se ha logrado a pesar de décadas del deterioro de la infraestructura, recortes al presupuesto, salones demasiado llenos, sobrepoblación de las escuelas y un cuerpo estudiantil con una gran parte de estudiantes que tienen mayores necesidades. ¡La educación pública equitativa y de buena calidad es un derecho y no un privilegio!
- El cierre de las escuelas públicas y su reemplazo con escuelas “charter/privadas” que, excluyen a los estudiantes con mayores necesidades, no es una respuesta adecuada. Nuestras escuelas públicas requieren mas apoyo y recursos.
* Comuníquese el alcalde, el Canciller Klein, los legisladores estatales y los miembros de la Junta de Política Educativa (Panel for Educational Policy - PEP). Para obtener la información de contacto:
*Establezca un comité en su escuela para detener los cierres de escuelas públicas e intégrese a nuestra coalición.
* Martes el 26 de enero. Brooklyn Technical High School, 29 Ft. Greene Place, Brooklyn.
Asista la reunión de la PEP donde se tomará la decisión acerca del cierre de las escuelas.
4 pm – manifestación de protesta. 5:00 pm – inscríbese para dar testimonio.
Organizadores: LA COALICION DE EMERGENCIA PARA DETENER EL CIERRE DE ESCUELAS incluyendo padres de familia, maestr@s y estudiantes de PS15K, Jamaica HS, William H. Maxwell CTE HS, Concerned Advocates for Public Education – CAPE, Grassroots Education Movement – GEM
Patrocinadores: Class Size Matters, Independent Community of Educators – ICE/UFT, Teachers for Just Contract – TJC/UFT, New York Collective of Radical Educators, Coalition for Public Education, Center for Immigrant Families, Concerned Parents of East New York, Teachers 4 Justice Now, Manhattan Local of the Green Party (NYC), keepSCRLalive, PS123-PTA Harlem,…
Jan. 21 - Thurs
4 – 6:30 PM
Gather on the Mayor’s Block!
79th St. & 5th Av.
Join us in support of the students, parents, teachers and communities of over 22 schools affected by the proposed closings and charter takeovers.
- We are picketing Bloomberg’s residence because he is in charge of these wrongful closings. We need to bring our opposition to his doorstep.
- The City and Mayor Bloomberg have failed our public schools. School progress has been made despite decades of deteriorating conditions, inadequate funding, budget cuts, large class sizes, overcrowding and the great number of high needs students that our schools serve. Democratic public education is a right, not a privilege.
- School closings and their replacement with boutique or charter schools (that exclude our neediest children) are not the answer. Our public schools need more supports and greater resources.
* Contact the Mayor, Chancellor Klein, State legislators, City Council members and members of the Panel for Educational Policy (PEP). For contact info:
* Create a “Stop the School Closings Committee” at your school and network with our coalition.
* Jan. 26, Tues. Brooklyn Tech HS - 29 Ft. Greene Pl. Attend this PEP meeting where the vote to close our schools will be made. Gather at 4PM for a protest. 5PM - SIGN UP TO SPEAK!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
School Closure Forums at Columbus High School (1/7/10) and at the Choir Academy of Harlem (1/8/10)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Fight for the Right to Protest on the Mayor’s Block

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 NYC
Parents, Students, and Teachers Fight for the Right to Protest on the Mayor’s Block
Today, attorneys Norman Siegel and Herbert Teiteleaum filed papers in United States District Court, Southern District, on behalf of a parent, two students and a teacher who are members of The Emergency Coalition to Stop School Closings, to hold a protest on the Mayor’s block on the Upper East Side on January 21st.
The Emergency Coalition intends to hold a city-wide protest on the Mayor’s block, on January 21, 2010 from 4:00-6:30. Parents, students, and teachers view this as their First Amendment right and vital to have their voices heard regarding the unfair and destructive educational policies being proposed by the NYC Department of Education.
“The Bloomberg Administration is undermining our schools, without any compassion or understanding of how these policies will affect our children. It’s time for parents to stand up and say no! We refuse to take it anymore. Our schools are the lifeblood of our communities, and we will take our voices and our struggle to the Mayor’s block in the hope that there, we will finally be heard,” Lydia Bellahcene, Parent, PS 15, The Patrick F. Daly School, Red Hook, Brooklyn.
“ My school, as well as many of the others that the city wants to close, are doing as well as we can given the continued budget cuts, overcrowding, and the other challenges we face. What we need is more support, smaller classes, and more programs to engage us, not to be closed down and replaced by small schools or charter schools which will make us travel many miles away or exclude us from attending,” Khalilah Dickerson, student, Maxwell High School.
"I feel it's important to rally on the mayor's block, because he needs to hear how students and the community really feels about school closures. Our school has been making progress, so it is wrong to close a school that is improving. The mayor seems to be making decisions without listening to us, the ones he claims to be helping. This is why we want to march on the Mayor’s block - so he can hear our voices loud and clear, " Richard McDonald, student, Maxwell High School.
“The Bloomberg Administration’s current policy of school closings and charter school invasions highlight a clear intent to dismantle public education. Stakeholders from the affected school communities, insist we have the right to protest on the Mayor’s block to prevent our communities from being divided and disenfranchised.” Julie Cavanagh, Teacher PS 15K, Representative from CAPE, Concerned Advocates for Public Education, a parent and teacher coalition at PS 15K.
“The average New Yorker believes that the Mayor has been enacting reforms that better the education of the 1.1 million students in our public school system. By protesting, we want to expose the fact that school closures and the threat of closure have done immense harm to these students' education. Closures have caused the flight of quality teachers from high needs areas, stripped curriculums of all but mindless drilling for high stakes testing, brought corruption in the form of credit recovery and social promotion, and set the way for a two tiered system under charter school disparity.” Seung Ok, Teacher Maxwell High School.
James Eterno, chapter leader at Jamaica HS says: "This administration is closing schools down like they are franchises whose revenue is declining. What they don't realize is that Jamaica HS, like many of these other schools, is an integral part of its community, has had a long tradition of success before Klein was made chancellor, and despite his negative policies, is improving rapidly -- with a 15% increase in graduation rate in recent years. We will advocate for its survival even if we have to take the message to the Mayor's front door."
The Emergency Coalition to Stop School Closings is comprised of dedicated parents, students, and teachers who seek to protect and support NYC public schools from the detrimental policies of the Bloomberg Administration and are demanding that the Department of Education halt school closures and the charter school invasions that are undermining the health of our public education system.
No matter what the court decides, the Coalition intends to go ahead with their plan to protest in Bloomberg’s neighborhood on January 21st, whether on the Mayor’s block or in a nearby location. Protesters will be meeting at 4:00 at 5th Avenue and 79th street on the park side.
Media Contacts:
Lydia Bellahcene:, 347-463-9809, PTA PS 15- 718-330-9280
Khalilah Dickerson- 347-264-4527/
Richard McDonald- 347-445-3927/
Julie Cavanagh:, 917-836-6465
Seung Ok:, 646-244-4468
James Eterno: , 718-268-0788
Norman Siegel: 347-907-0867
Herberet Teiteleaum: 518-441-9412
Protest Bloomberg's School Closings & Charter School Invasions
Jan. 21 - Thurs
4 – 6:30 PM
Gather on the Mayor’s Block!
79th St. & 5th Av.
Join us in support of the students, parents, teachers and communities of over 22 schools affected by the proposed closings and charter takeovers.
o We are picketing Bloomberg’s residence because he is in charge of these wrongful closings. We need to bring our opposition to his doorstep.
o The City and Mayor Bloomberg have failed our public schools. School progress has been made despite decades of deteriorating conditions, inadequate funding, budget cuts, large class sizes, overcrowding and the great number of high needs students that our schools serve. Democratic public education is a right, not a privilege.
o School closings and their replacement with boutique or charter schools (that exclude our neediest children) are not the answer. Our public schools need more supports and greater resources.
Step up the pressure!
* Contact the Mayor, Chancellor Klein, State legislators, City Council members and members of the Panel for Educational Policy (PEP). For contact info:
* Create a “Stop the School Closings Committee” at your school and network with our coalition.
* Jan. 26, Tues. Brooklyn Tech HS - 29 Ft. Greene Pl. Attend this PEP meeting where the vote to close our schools will be made. Gather at 4:30 PM for a protest. 5PM - SIGN UP TO SPEAK!
Sponsors: The Emergency Coalition to Stop School Closings including parents, teachers and students at PS15K, Jamaica HS, William H. Maxwell CTE HS, Concerned Advocates for Public Education – CAPE, Grassroots Education Movement – GEM
Endorsers: Class Size Matters, Independent Community of Educators – ICE/UFT, Teachers for Just Contract – TJC/UFT, New York Collective of Radical Educators, Coalition for Public Education, Center for Immigrant Families, Concerned Parents of East New York, Teachers 4 Justice Now, Manhattan Local of the Green Party (NYC), keepSCRLalive, PS123-PTA Harlem, …
Contact INFO: 718-601-4901